Counseling at Discovery Primary


Throughout the year, this website will be updated with happenings in the counseling world at Discovery;
community events, activities, and support; and resources for students and families. 

Holiday Resources

Community Care 

N1English Flyer.docx
UKR Flyer - Community Cafe.docx

Grief and Loss Support

22-1841 (60).pdf

Counseling Services:

Section 504 requires that school districts provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to qualified students in their jurisdictions who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. If you believe your student may require reasonable accommodations as outlined under section 504, contact the Counseling Office to discuss an evaluation for 504 services. You may also view the Section 504 Handbook online in both English and Spanish

*Please contact the counseling office if you have any concerns, questions, or updates regarding your child.